Berea Bible College is an independent evangelical training facility in northern Tanzania working with and for Kanisa La Biblia - Northern Branch as well as other churches in the area.
Thanks to sponsors from Northern Ireland we were able to complete the installation of our permanent borehole on site at Berea Bible College. The survey was done about a year ago and when the contractor finally got on site for drilling he discovered that the water was still there where it was predicted to be previously! A good sign. The well is over 50 metres deep and is capable of producing 2500 litres per hour. The water supply will ensure that we have plenty for our day to day requirements as well as a green site with luxurious gardens and all that just for the cost of pumping it to the surface. This will prove to be much cheaper and of better quality than the existing town water supply which can be irratic and is of poorer quality.
The pictures above and below respectively show the drilling in progress and the new well head being established.