BBC is so much more than buildings, furniture and gardens and for that we thank God.
This year, 2006 we have had the first of our students formally graduate from our college with the equivalent of a certificate of theology in biblical studies. This is a tremendous achievement on the part of the six students concerned. It has meant for them four years in a row committing themselves to setting aside three months of their annual calendar for studying God’s word. This is a great sacrifice in time, relationships, potential income, and requires considerable effort and dedication to the task.
We had much pleasure then in extending our heartiest congratulations and offering our sincere prayers for these men. Please pray for them by name:
Elisante Mtera (Moshi, Pasua)
Pastory Gaspar (Bukoba)
Ahadi Gonanga (Kigoma)
Leonce Kihama (Moshi, Uchira)
Noah Ngenzebuhoro and
Bernard Nsizabira (Rukwa).
As a college we are seeking how we might be able to continue to assist these men in further study at a more advanced level.
Please pray for us as we seek out teachers and in particular as we try to identify a national principal who will be able to take this important ministry forward.
Looking to 2007 we have already scheduled additional courses such as Training For Life, Women’s Ministry Course, Preacher’s Course, monthly Leaders seminars and we hope to be able to offer some computer classes too. This will be dependant on being able to take up an exceptional offer of some computers being brought into Tanzania by an NGO supporting educational establishments like ours. We look to the Lord to make available to us the resources needed to avail ourselves of this excellent option.
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